Mathiwos Wondu-YeEthiopia Cancer Society/MWECS/ secured 5,000USD financial support grant, from our partner Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation/BMSF/ intended to support effort being made to contain Covid-19 here in Ethiopia. Thanks to the support, we managed to procure 200 pieces N95 Masks, 500 pieces Surgical Masks; 50 litter of Alcohol, 100 pieces Hand Sanitizer, 10 boxes Surgical Gloves, 10 boxes Disposable Gloves, 4 Digital LCD Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer, etc. We divided the items into three parts intended for Tikur Anbessa Hospital, St.Paul Hospital & Mathiwos Wondu-YeEthiopia Cancer Society Psychosocial Support Center. Accordingly, we have handed over 51,000Birr/1645 USD/ worth of items to St.Paul Hospital, 58,000Birr /1870USD/ worth of items to Tikur Anbessa Hospital officials and the remaining to MWECS Psychosocial Support Center. The Tikur Anbessa Hospital support is solely for pediatric oncology & hematology unit.
On behalf of our society, its beneficiaries, all three health facilities supported, we would like to sincerely thank BMSF for its generous support. During our handover ceremony, we came to understand how our facilities are desperately looking for this personal protection equipment and how our health professionals and workers could be exposed to Covid-19. While our health professionals & workers are relentlessly working to protect us from Covid-19, it is our responsibility to adhere to their advice and all preventive measures to protect ourselves, our health professionals & their families from the growing Covid-19 burden. What we have donated is a small fraction of the need in our health facilities. Our donation how small it has helped us to express love & respect we have for our health professionals, workers & their families.
It is really an honor for us working with BMSF & it will always be remembered as a tested good friend of our society, Ethiopia and Africa. We are honored to be a partner of BMSF, we will also continue to strengthen our partnership as we have witnessed the very meaningfully change it has created in the lives of thousands of Ethiopians. We thank BMSF for the great job it has been doing here in Ethiopia.
At the same token, all are kindly requested to join us in our joint effort intended to fill the gaps we have at our health facilities and protect our health professionals, workers & their loved ones.
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