“Mathiwos Wondu– YeEthiopia Cancer Society/MWECS/ have been helping patients, implementing nine projects with close leadership, collaboration and coordination of the Ministry of Health and partners for the last 20 years” reaffirmed Dr.Hiwot Solomon Lead Executive for Disease Prevention Directorate of the Ministry of Health during her opening speech on behalf of Dr.Mekdes Daba,Minister of Health. Dr. Hiwot Solomon thanked the Society for working effectively with the Ministry of Health and partner organizations, first on cancer and as of recently on non-communicable diseases. She recalled that the Society since its inception have been working with the Ministry of Health to help formulate policies and strategies , and support the issuance of various proclamations, supporting cancer patients, collaborating with partner organizations to ensure the availability of cancer treatment facilities at the Black Lion Hospital and regional hospitals.

MWECS’s 20th Anniversary going on since last September 2023 came to an end by closing ceremony being held today Tuesday June 18, 2024, from 8:30AM to 1:00PM at Sheraton Addis.Offcials of Ministry of Heath, Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority, Addis Ababa University,partners,stackholders,founding members, members ,officials of MWECS ,cancer patients and their families attended and actively participated.

One of the founding members and Chief Executive Director, Mr. Wondu Bekele, has explained how and why he and founding members of the society turned bitter grief into a good opportunity despite the loss of his third son, Mathiwos, and thanked everyone who has been by their side for the past 20 years. According to him Mathiwos was 2 years old, when he was diagnosed with blood cancer and was being treated at the Black Lion Hospital, and unexpectedly his disease relapsed and he was about to leave for Washington DC,USA for bone marrow treatment and passed away at Tikur Anbessa Hospital while he was undertreatment. The founding members without being frustrated by unexpected outcome turned the overwhelming grief caused by his passing into a good opportunity and formed MWECS on April 17,2004.The society initially focusing on cancer and now on non-communicable disease in general.

Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority Director-General, Mrs. Heran Gerba, recalled that the role played by the MWECS in the process of passing of one of the toughest and strongest laws on tobacco and alcohol in Africa starting the drafting of the proclamation, adoption and effort being made to protect the community from the harm of tobacco and alcohol has been significant.

One of the founding members and Chief Executive Director, Mr. Wondu Bekele, has explained how and why he and founding members of the society turned bitter grief into a good opportunity despite the loss of his third son, Mathiwos, and thanked everyone who has been by their side for the past 20 years. According to him Mathiwos was 2 years old, when he was diagnosed with blood cancer and was being treated at the Black Lion Hospital, and unexpectedly his disease relapsed and he was about to leave for Washington DC,USA for bone marrow treatment and passed away at Tikur Anbessa Hospital while he was undertreatment. The founding members without being frustrated by unexpected outcome turned the overwhelming grief caused by his passing into a good opportunity and formed MWECS on April 17,2004.The society initially focusing on cancer and now on non-communicable disease in general.